How to prepare Aleppo Soap for carving?


aleppo soap

Aleppo soap is made with 100% natural products. This contains a lot of glycerin, so it is hard to break.

However, it is too hard to carve in it. Fortunately, it is possible to make it suitable for carving. I will show, how to do it. I have even carved a beautiful carving and I have made a tutorial for it.

What you will need

  • Aleppo soap
  • Food container
  • Jar lid
  • Water spray bottle

Soap info


  • 店頭やネットで購入可能
  • シリアの都市アレッポの特産品として有名な石鹸
  • オリーブ・グリーン
  • オリーブの香り
  • 重さ: 約 190-200 g

Instruction video


1. Lay a jar lid and a soap bar into the container.
step 1
2. Pour water into the container.
step 2
3. Mist the soap bar with water from a spray bottle.
step 3
4. Put a lid.
step 4
5. Wait for 2 weeks and during so, mist the soap with water every few days...
step 5
6. Wipe off excess water with a cloth. Aleppo soap is ready for carving!
step 6