Marguerite Daisy Relief

General info

marguerite_daisy_relief 1 marguerite_daisy_relief 2 marguerite_daisy_relief 3 marguerite_daisy_relief 4
  • Great decoration for your room
  • Difficulty: Easy

What you will need

  • Soap
  • Carving or Exacto knife
  • Carving tool with wide U gouge
  • Carving tool with W gouge
  • Awl (or other pointed tool)

Soap info

Oval lemon soap

Used in tutorial

oval lemon soap
  • Available
  • Lemon scented
  • Size: 7 cm (2-1/4") x 3.8 cm (2-1/4") x 2.8 cm (1-1/8")
  • Weight: 45 g (1.59 oz)

Instruction video


1. Slice off the top of soap.
step 1
2. Mark the center of the flower.
step 2
3. Cut an inverted cone-shaped hole.
step 3
4. Carve a first row of petals with W-gouge.
step 4
5. Remove the soap around first row.
step 5
6. Repeat two previous steps for second row.
step 6
7. Remove soap for new petal row.
step 7
8. Carve first row of the petals using wide U-gouge.
step 8
9. Remove the soap around the big petals.
step 9
10. Remove the soap for the next row.
step 10
11. Carve a second row of petals. Each petal should be between petals of the previous row.
step 11
12. Lightly press the petals to lower them.
step 12
13. Draw lines on the outer petals with the point of the knife.
step 13
14. Smooth the blanks.
step 14
15. Cut the leaf and remove soap around it.
step 15
16. Carve two leaves the previously carved leaf is between them.
step 16
17. Using wide U-gouge, carve a midrib on each leaf.
step 17
18. Smooth the blanks.
step 18
19. Repeat steps 15-17 for an opposite end of the soap.
step 19
20. Carve the scallop line at each side.
step 20
21. Carve another scallop lines by the previously carved ones.
step 21
22. Carve three marquise shapes at both ends of soap.
step 22
23. Make small holes.
step 23
24. Marguerite daisy relief is finished!
step 24