Apple Bowl

General info

apple_bowl 1 apple_bowl 2 apple_bowl 3
  • How to make an apple bowl with a lid.
  • I carved a flower and leaves in the apple but it's optional.
  • Easy and fun apple garnish idea.It can be used for serving various cut fruits.
  • To prevent apples from turning brown, you can use salt water or sugar water isntead of lemon water.
  • Difficulty: Easy

What you will need

  • Apple
  • Carving knife
  • Paring knfie
  • Cutting board
  • Lemon water with a ratio of 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to 1 cup of water.

Instruction video


1. First, cut off the top and bottom of the apple.
Keep the cut off pieces for the lid and the bottom.
step 1
2. Soak them in lemon water to prevent turning brown for a few minutes.
step 2
3. Insert the paring knife into the top of the apple, make a cut all way around the inside of the apple.
Repeat this on the bottom.
step 3
4. Carefully separate the flesh from the outer part of the apple.
step 4
5. Carve a flower on the apple with a carving knife.
step 5
6. Carve several leaves around the flower.
step 6
7. Use the cut off bottom of your apple.
Trim the edge of it to make it smaller and fit inside the apple bowl.
Then place it into the bottom of the apple bowl.
step 7
8. Use the cut off top of your apple.
Carve a row of triangles around the edge of it.
step 8
9. Put the lid on the apple bowl. Done!
step 9