Cheese Carving

General info

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  • How to carve a rose and a heart in cheese.
  • I used processed cheese but you can use different cheeses.
  • This cheese is not only decorative, but also delicious.
  • You can use the leftover cheese for other dishes.
  • Difficulty: Easy to Intermediate

What you will need

  • Cheese
  • Carving knife
  • Toothpick

Instruction video


1. First, draw a circle for the center of the rose on the cheese with a toothpic. Holding the carving knife vertically, cut along the circle line, then cut off the cheese around the circle.
step 1
2. Carve five petals in the center circle. Make sure that each petal slightly overlaps the next one. Then carve smaller five petals inside
step 2
3. Carve five petals around the center of the rose. Make sure that each petal slightly overlaps the next one.
step 3
4. Carve three leaves around the rose, and carve a hollow heart.Even the surface of the cheese. Done!
step 4