Paper box (I have used 12 cm (5") x 12 cm (5") x 6.5 cm (2.5") for this tutorial)
Carved soap roses and rose buds
Soap shavings or shredded paper
Styrofoam or floral foam
Lace ribbon
Double sided tape
Clear tape
Utility knife
1. Trace your box shape onto the styrofoam using a marker.
2. Cut out the styrofoam.
3. Cut off the excess styrofoam to fit inside the box when needed.
4. Put the styrofoam into the box.
5. Put the strips of the transparent tape on the edges of styrofoam.
6. Put strips of double sided tape inside the box.
7. Peel off the double sided tape protective cover and attach a piece of lace ribbon inside the box.
8. Cut off excess ribbon.
9. Put the soap shavings or shredded paper into the box.
10. Cut a toothpick.
11. Insert the toothpick into the soap rose.
12. Stick the rose into styrofoam.
13. Repeat steps 10-12 for each rose. Rose arrangement is finished!