Simple Flower


simple_flower 1 simple_flower 2 simple_flower 3 simple_flower 4
  • Perfect flower for beginners!
  • 難易度: Basic


  • Soap
  • Carving or Exacto knife
  • Toothpick
  • 6 mm bead


植物生まれのやさしい石鹸 桜


  • 販売終了
  • ピンク
  • 桜の香り
  • サイズ: 7.5 cm x 5.5 cm x 2.3 cm
  • 重さ: 80 g


  • 店頭やネットで購入可能
  • ホワイト
  • お花の香り
  • サイズ: 7.5 cm x 5.5 cm x 2.3 cm
  • 重さ: 80 g

植物生まれのやさしい石鹸 ラベンダー

  • 販売終了
  • パーブル
  • ラベンダーの香り
  • サイズ: 7.5 cm x 5.5 cm x 2.3 cm
  • 重さ: 80 g



1. Smooth your soap.
step 1
2. Mark the center with a toothpick.
step 2
3. Divide the soap around the center into 8 equal parts.
step 3
4. Mark the soap as shown.
step 4
5. Cut 2 curved lines in each part as shown. Cut each petal tip deeply, since you can remove the soap easily when you carve petals of the next row.
step 5
6. Cut the soap around the first row and remove the soap. You can move your knife in the opposite direction to cut the soap and choose either of the two ways.
step 6
7. Smooth the soap between each pair of petals of the first row.
step 7
8. Cut 8 petals of the second row. Place the petal between the 2 petals of the first row.
step 8
9. Repeat step 6 for the second row.
step 9
10. Repeat steps 7-9 for third row.
step 10
11. Repeat steps 7-9 for fourth row.
step 11
12. Repeat steps 7-9 for fifth row.
step 12
13. Carve the sixth row in the same way.
step 13
14. Adjust the height of the blanks, smoothing the blanks.
step 14
15. Cut 8 lines in the center deeper.
step 15
16. Carve a small hole.
step 16
17. Place 6 mm pearl bead.
step 17
18. Simple, yet pretty flower is finished!
step 18