Mini Heart for Heart Bear


mini_heart 1 mini_heart 2 mini_heart 3
  • Additional decoration for Heart Bear
  • Can be used as soap for bathing or washing (remove the beads)
  • 難易度: Basic


  • Soap
  • Carving or Exacto knife
  • Toothpick (or other pointed tool)
  • Heart Bear Template (download here )


植物生まれのやさしい石鹸 桜


  • 販売終了
  • ピンク
  • 桜の香り
  • サイズ: 7.5 cm x 5.5 cm x 2.3 cm
  • 重さ: 80 g


1. Thin your soap to 1 cm of thickness.
step 1
2. Cut out the heart shape from template.
step 2
3. Trace the heart onto your soap.
step 3
4. Cut out the heart.
step 4
5. Trim the heart edge.
step 5
6. Cut the square and remove the soap.
step 6
7. Cut the bow sides and remove the soap around them.
step 7
8. Smooth the soap at the bottom of the heart.
step 8
9. Cut the dangling ribbon ends.
step 9
10. Smooth the soap around the bow.
step 10
11. Your heart soap is done!
step 11