
General info

sedum 1 sedum 2 sedum 3
  • Soap sedums are great gifts for any occasion
  • Can be used as soap for bathing or washing
  • Can be used for arrangements (see video)
  • Difficulty: Easy

What you will need

  • Soap
  • Carving or Exacto knife
  • Paring knife


  • Food coloring with water
  • Paint brush

Soap info

Oval lemon soap

Used in tutorial

oval lemon soap
  • Available
  • Lemon scented
  • Size: 7 cm (2-1/4") x 3.8 cm (2-1/4") x 2.8 cm (1-1/8")
  • Weight: 45 g (1.59 oz)

Daiso Light Green Soap

light green soap
  • Available
  • Daiso brand
  • Marseille type
  • Jasmin scented
  • Size: 8 cm (3-1/8") x 4.8 cm (1-7/8") x 1.8 cm (3/4")
  • Weight: 100 g (3.53 oz)

Instruction video

Note: Instructions on how to carve Sedum plant begin from 5:20.


1. Cut the soap into 4 cm (1-5/8") square.
step 1
2. Draw a 1 cm (3/8") circle outline in the center with a pointed tool, then holding the knife at an angle, cut off the soap around the circle to create a cylinder shape.
step 2
3. Divide the top of the cylinder into 3 parts by short lines, then carve the cylinder into 3 long round leaves.
step 3
4. Draw a large circle on the top and deeply cut the circle.
step 4
5. Cut off the soap around the circle and divide the edge of the circle into 6 parts by drawing 6 short lines.
step 5
6. Shape each part into a long round leaf.
step 6
7. Cut off the unwanted soap around the leaves and vertically round the corners of the soap.
step 7
8. Divide the edge of the soap into 6 parts, then shape each part into a long round leaf.
step 8
9. Carve the bottom of the sedum. Done!
step 9